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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Vince Young Made if Official: He is Going to the Pro

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The news is out. Vince Young has consulted with his grandmother, his mother and his pastor. He is now ready to go as the number one pick in the next NFL selection. The Rose Bowl created, minted a new champion. Vince Young gained so much from the game between USC and Texas. Reggie Bush became second among the scouts and team managers.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Brokeback Mountain May Have Oscar Nominations But Some Theaters Are Not Showing

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The buzz about this movie has been going around. A lot of reviewers are saying it is Oscar material. In fact, it has already received quite a few nominations, but that does not mean that it is not raising eyebrows in some conservative milieus. In fact, Utah is the most recent place where a theater decides to take it off. Jordan Commons in Sandy decides not to show the R-rated Western gay Romance film due to concerns over the content. So the Salt Lake City Suburbs residents will have to travel to other towns to see the movie.

What is Brokeback Mountain all about?;

Starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, Brokeback Mountain is about two cowboys who discover feelings for each other. The two end up marrying women, but they rekindle their relationships later. Now is that kind of things going in real life? Well, according to the owners of this theater, there is something that just sits right. By doing so, they did not uphold their licensing agreement. They did not feel comfortable with showing the movies.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Congratulations to the no. 2 Texas Longhorns

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USC fell to the power of one player who dominated the game in the Rose Bowl! The Trojans were no match to the Longhorns. Vince Young played better than Matt Leinart and Reggie Bush combined. He showed his brilliance. Reggie Bush only showed a little bit when he scored while flying to the end zone.

Congratulations to the Longhorns!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

USC vs. Texas: The Trojans Take on the Longhorns

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It is time to play ball. The number one and two teams will play their football tomorrow. It is the superbowl of college football. West Virginia has already defeated Georgia. Now it is time to see what USC's Matt Leinart and Reggie Bush can do to secure their positions. In the meantime, San Francisco 49er chose to win over Houston Texans. The Texans is the worst team in the league and will have the chance to select Reggie Bush if he declares himself eligible for the draft in April.

Donate to Haiti Rural Community Fund

Why do we need to think about the outlying, rural communities that were affected? They are the backbone of the country. They are beyond the crumbling walls of Port au Prince!